I have wanted to host my own fediverse/activity pub compatible server for a while – however I felt running a full on Mastodon server was to heavy for my use case. And other options seemed to take a bit too much effort to host for my liking.
I had all but given up until I came across Write Freely which is a blog focused platform that just so happens to share posts via activity pub. Setting it up was super simple as a single docker container and it supports single user mode, or multi user mode with very basic permissions.
I have put it up on a spare domain which I can use as my federated username @prra.xyz because it is generic I can also use it as a social media post engine for all my company accounts.
I am due to start a new role next week which I am very excited for, but before I confirmed I had to go through the process of trying to find roles available in my industry and area. While sites like Indeed, and LinkedIn have vast amount of job postings I found them difficult to navigate and often out of date – or companies straight up don't post to them.
I have a list of local companies or companies in my ideal sector which I would like to work for, you could call this my list of dream jobs. It includes some interesting tech startups nearby, charities I like the mission off etc.. Most of these organisations have a careers page which I can visit to see any open roles, but it's hard work checking 15 or so job pages every few days to see if anything has opened up.
Thats where some self hosted software came into play, I setup my own instance of Change Detection and loaded in all of the companies I wanted to track. Now twice a day I get an email if any of them post new job listings, even if they don't post those roles to large job sites.